Durex Moments

D&AD Durex brief - “Help Durex break down barriers to sexual freedom”. My chosen problem was, people do not have enough time for sex due to their busy and stressful lives!

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UX UI Designer


Jan 2024 - Mar 2024

Working as


Methods Used

Secondary Research, Empathy mapping, Personas, User Journey mapping, User Flows, Wireframing, Prototyping, Usability Testing.

The Brief

D&AD Durex brief - “Help Durex break down barriers to sexual freedom”.

The Research

I couldn't do primary research on the sensitive topic, so I looked at online forums on Facebook and Quora to identify common issues and reasons for lack of interest in sex. This helped me create personas and target audiences for users facing similar issues. I found that the problem was not limited to sexual intimacy, but encompassed all forms of intimacy.

Secondary Research

I looked at online forums on Facebook and Quora to identify common issues and reasons for lack of interest in sex. I concluded that there was a clear issue for couples. One side was starving the other with intimacy due to being too busy or having low libido.

Empathy Mapping

To understand my user better and clearer, I put this forum chat research into user research methods like this empathy map. I quickly realized 2 types of people were in my target audience. Not only the person complaining but also the person who is causing this problem in the first place.


Using the research I gained, I created 2 personas of my target audience type. This helped me visualize their needs, wants, and pain points. I could now start to ideate how I could solve their problems. I concluded by creating an intimacy planning and guidance application.

User Journey Mapping

Now knowing my target audience. I used their research to create a user journey map. This helped me visualize their problems and how I could solve them through specific steps of my application.

The Research

I couldn't do primary research on the sensitive topic, so I looked at online forums on Facebook and Quora to identify common issues and reasons for lack of interest in sex. This helped me create personas and target audiences for users facing similar issues. I found that the problem was not limited to sexual intimacy, but encompassed all forms of intimacy.

Secondary Research

I looked at online forums on Facebook and Quora to identify common issues and reasons for lack of interest in sex. I concluded that there was a clear issue for couples. One side was starving the other with intimacy due to being too busy or having low libido.

Empathy Mapping

To understand my user better and clearer, I put this forum chat research into user research methods like this empathy map. I quickly realized 2 types of people were in my target audience. Not only the person complaining but also the person who is causing this problem in the first place.


Using the research I gained, I created 2 personas of my target audience type. This helped me visualize their needs, wants, and pain points. I could now start to ideate how I could solve their problems. I concluded by creating an intimacy planning and guidance application.

User Journey Mapping

Now knowing my target audience. I used their research to create a user journey map. This helped me visualize their problems and how I could solve them through specific steps of my application.


Now gathering our initial research, I defined them for a clear focused problem statement.


People do not have enough time for sex, their busy and stressful lives get in the way.

Busy and stressful lives can cause low libido which means people are not in the mood for any type of intimacy.

D&AD Durex brief - “Help Durex break down barriers to sexual freedom”.


Allow couples to find the time to see each other and improve their intimate connection.

Bring couples together by creating a moment and learning about how they feel and what they want from these moments.

Improve their intimate connection through our variety of guides.

Use reminders and notifications to help improve communication issues.

We can’t expect sex to always happen, but we can create the moment for it to possibly happen.

The Video

As part of my submission, I included a 2 minute promo video.

Click the video to watch it!

The Outcome

The Outcome

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